MINISTRIES The goal of our ministries is to make disciples and help all believers grow in their faith. These ministries guide all believers to a grow with Jesus Christ and prepare them to share the Gospel all around the world. PRESCHOOL MINISTRYSunday School ETC (Extended Teaching Care) Kids R.O.C.K. Nursery KID'S MINISTRYSunday School Children’s Church TeamKID Cherished Girls B.U.I.L.D. STUDENT MINISTRYSunday School Small Group Bible Study Student JAM Mission Trips ADULT BIBLE STUDYSunday School Bible Studies MISSIONSOperation Christmas Child Clothing Ministry Least of These Guatemala WOMEN'S MINISTRYSeasonal Bible Studies Fellowship Meals Special Events MEN'S MINISTRYTeaching/Equipping Service Fellowship