Preschoolers are taught about God through Play With a Purpose. Our teachers create opportunities for preschoolers to learn simple Bible truths as they go busily about their activities.
Sunday School9:00AM - 10:15AM(Birth-Kindergarten)
ETC (Extended Teaching Care)10:30AM(Birth-PreK)
Preschool Choir5:30-6:30P // RM #162(4yrs-Kindergarten)
Kids R.O.C.K.6:30PM - 7:30PM(Birth-Kindergarten)
ETC is the childcare ministry provided during the morning and evening worship services. ETC is offered for birth to Pre-kindergarten during morning worship service and birth to 3yrs during the evening worship.
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Click the LifeWay Preschool at Home icon on the main page
Watch videos – the older Preschoolers will be familiar with Miss Lindy’s videos
Download activity pages (weekly take home page) and coloring pages
Preschool Bible Studies for Life App
Download the LifeWay: Kids app on your mobile device and then open the current quarter of study. All the content is FREE! The app is great for parents and preschoolers at home.