Let us help you find a class that's best for you and your family.

We believe we have something for everyone. If you have any questions about our schedule, or want to know how to get involved, please contact us.

Sunday Morning Bible Study // 9:00AM

Available Classes

Pennell/Garrison (Adult Coed 80+) // Room #130

Blake Hayworth (Adult Coed 70+) // Mtg RM A

Danny Bearden (Adult Coed 65-75) // South Fellowship Hall

David Tella (Adult Coed 60-70) // Room #132

Dortha Swearengin (Adult Women 60+) // Room #153

Scott Rookstool (Adult Coed 50-60) // North Fellowship Hall

Mike Mason (Adult Coed 50-60) // Room #155

Vehmann/Sublette (Adult Coed 50-60) // Room #133

Phil Mendenhall (Adult Coed 45-55) // Room #134

Available Classes

Chris Magee (Young Families) // Room #131

Trent Blair (Adult Coed 40-50) // Room #136

Andy Ellett (Young Families) // Room #152

Chad Linck (Young Families) // Mtg RM B

Zach Eastin (Young Families) // Room #204/206

Tim Eastin (Adult Men 25+) // Room #154

Lacey Shelton (Adult Women 25+) // Room #110

Barbra Bray (Special Ministries) // Room #135

Greg Powell (College Coed 18+) // Room #116

Nursery & Extended Teaching Care

10:30AM – Ages: Birth – Kindergarten

Children’s Church

10:30AM – 1st – 4th grade (JAM Room)

Wednesday Night Meals // 5:00-6:15P

Wednesday Night Prayer // 6:00PM

Weekly Wednesday Night Schedule

Kids R.O.C.K. (Birth-Kindergarten-Preschool Wing) // 6:30P

TeamKid (1st-6th Grade-Mtg Rm A/B & Gym) // 6:30P

Student JAM (7th-12th Grade – JAM Room) // 6:30P

Women’s Bible Study “Behold & Believe” (RM #126-Leader Kathy Scowden) // 6:30P

Men’s Bible Study (Coed) – (RM #153 1 Peter Bible Study) // 6:30P

World Religions & Cults (Coed) – (North Fellowship Hall-Leader Brian Rohlman & Jeffrey Wohlfert) // 6:30P

New Member’s Class (South Fellowship Hall – Leader Dr. Phillip Burden) // 6:30P

Adult Bible Study (coed) – (RM #152 Fundamentals of Faith-Leader Jeffrey Wohlfert) // 6:30P

Worship Choir Rehearsal (Worship Center) // 6:30P